Thursday, 7 March 2013

Sections of a Report

Today I have been procrastinating.  The way I often do this is by playing with webtools. Yesterday I came across Spicynodes, an interactive mind-mapping tool.  It offers a free, basic service to individual users so I thought I would take advantage.

Last year I created a Report Writing study guide for a book on Study Skills. Contained within that PDF is a table and a normal mindmap that I thought I could combine using this tool. 

To create this took me about 2 hours plus tinkering time. If I was more familiar it would have taken a lot less. The result of my work is below. It looks a bit squashed in that small box, so I recommend opening it up to full screen. I would welcome feedback.

Spicynode URL:


  1. Andy, I really like this. I love mindmapping since I read Use Your Brain by Tony Buzan. I'm always looking for a way to recreate on computer what I do all the time on paper so thanks for posting this resource.

    It worked really well- especially on full screen.

    1. Hi Rick, you should get together and chat to Sandra below as she loves Buzan and mindmapping too. Maybe a collaboration in the future??

  2. I really liked this too. Somehow spiceynodes turns the notes into a digital artefact - well cool!

  3. Thanks guys, I love creating things like this. Maybe it can get some use somewhere, who knows :)


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